How to find high-impact AI use cases in Fintech, Banking, Telco and Insurance

28. Feb 2022
BusinessQuality. Everyone is talking about it, but not every new application is good and without errors. Even in GoodRequest, we sometimes cannot avoid mistakes, but there are fewer and fewer of them and they are less and less visible. How we do it? Why are our applications high quality and without significant shortcomings? Let's talk about it right now.
We've published Fitshaker in recent months. This is a long-term project that has had a web and TV application so far. The mobile apps was released in December last year and apart from a few details, we did not notice any major shortcomings. How did we manage that despite the complexity of the application? The answer is testing, testing and testing again.
Testing is one of the key processes in GoodRequest. The tester has been on the project since its inception, including initial analyzes, discussions and design proposals. Product testing begins there. The tester participates in the discussion and within his experience participates in the creation of the product itself. Throughout the development phase, it tests new functionalities, reports bugs and suggests improvements. The product thus prepared should be 100% ready for publication.
However, anyone with any IT experience knows that not all errors can be detected.
We at GoodRequest do the so-called "Klikaton". What exactly is that?
Klikaton is an internal or external way of fine-tuning an almost finished application. It is necessary to involve as many co-workers as possible and ask them to click through on all the functions of the application on their smartphones in detail. This method is good to use whenever the application is about to be released either to the client or to the public. Since the tester itself does not have access to all types of smartphones, clikathon multiplies this range.
Once we have all the ingredients ready, let's get started. Before the process starts itself, it is necessary to write clear documentation that will explain to users the basic functions of the application, so that they know what it is and what the purpose of the application is. It is advisable to prepare an excel in which your co-workers will write down mistakes or suggestions for improvement. At GoodRequest, we also collect data during the clickathon, such as smartphone type, system version and so on. We recommend collecting as much data as possible. Then evaluate them and discuss relevant matters with the product manager and developers.
Thanks to klikaton, you can get a new view of the application and eliminate shortcomings that the tester did not notice during development. The tested application is ready for publication and you can have a clear conscience that you could not do more for the good of the project.