10. Feb 2022Business

#grpartners: design and development of native mobile apps for Benzinol!

Motorists and fans of Benzinol petrol stations can look forward to news! For the new member of our partner family, we are preparing UX and UI design for native mobile apps for Android and iOS, whose development we are covering.

Benzinol is one of the most well-known networks of petrol stations and many of you will certainly know it. Customers can try out the quality services of the home brand that Benzinol has been providing since 1948 at 28 locations, located mainly in western and northern Slovakia. The mobile application will soon contribute to maximum customer satisfaction.

Design and development of a mobile application for motorists

Loyal customers of Benzinol pumps could see a new mobile application, which will make the use of the Benzibodkarta loyalty program more pleasant, thanks to a clean user experience. Users can conveniently add or create a new loyalty card with a few clicks. After logging in, users can collect points, get a comprehensive overview of all important information, such as their user profile, points or purchase history, or view the current catalog. The application will be available to users on iOS and Android platforms.

Users can also expect news soon! We are preparing an update for the catalogue section, which will make using the app even more beneficial! Let us surprise you.

Check the project

Martin Macík
Martin MacíkHead of Business