20. Feb 2024Design, Business

The critical role of user testing in maximising product success

In today's dynamic era, product development in companies often focuses solely on ensuring that the design of their products aligns with the latest trends in minimalism or elegance. However, the success of applications and websites depends not only on their appearance - it's important to find out if the digital product can be used easily and seamlessly. This understanding, however, should not be perceived as an unattainable luxury but as the fundamental cornerstone of a successful product that can be achieved through user testing.

Lucia ZienkovskáUX Researcher

What you'll learn

  • What is user testing
  • What are the benefits of user testing
  • How does user testing work

What is user testing

User testing is a method of examining users' experiences of a digital product. The main goal is to gather feedback from users to help identify specific changes to improve the user experience with the product.

Through user testing, we can determine whether users can effectively use the product and also uncover and understand any shortcomings that arise during product use. This allows us to verify whether the product functions as we had designed.

UX research team at work

User testing is an important part of the product design process because it helps us:

  • validate the team's initial assumptions and the correctness of product decisions,
  • determine whether the product meets users' expectations or helps fulfill their desires and needs,
  • get to know users better, uncover their behavioural patterns and pain points, and implement improvements to the product from these insights,
  • uncover hidden problems that worsen the user experience and slow down the use of the product,
  • maintain competitiveness in the market. This underscores a trend where 65% of companies have annually increased their interest in gaining deeper understanding of their users' needs and preferences.

Why product experience is a key factor for business success

Damian Orlicky20 Mar 2023

What are the benefits of testing the product with users

User testing offers many advantages that enhance your position in the market. You will not only save time but also finances.

Innovative problem solving and product improvement ideas

User testing reveals shortcomings and opportunities for improvement that designers may overlook, as they are too deeply immersed in the product and may have a biased perspective. Unbiased feedback from users leads to problem-solving and new ideas that improve the product's business metrics. For example, we can discover that the reason why 68% of users do not fill out the newsletter subscription form is the mandatory completion of unnecessary personal data. Or we get an idea about product personalization that can increase can motivate 49% of customers to spontaneous purchase.

Cost-saving and efficient method in digital product development

According to usability pioneer Jakob Nielsen of the NN Group, just 5 users can uncover up to 85% of product’s usability problems. By continuously testing the user experience throughout the product development, we can identify problems that can be immediately addressed. As a result, we can shorten the development cycle by 33 to 50%. This helps us avoid the risks associated with creating a product that doesn't meet user needs and saves substantial money on redesign or fixing errors, which can be up to 100 times more expensive than user testing.

Increase customer satisfaction, reduce negative feedback

User testing represents more than just one phase in the product creation process; it is a critical step to ensure product success. By identifying and addressing issues promptly, not only do you increase overall customer satisfaction, but you also significantly reduce the risk of getting the negative reactions. This approach prevents situations where dissatisfied users spread their negative experiences, with 13% of dissatisfied users sharing their experiences with 15 other people. Additionally, you avoid the risk of associating with brands that 32% of customers have abandoned after one bad experience.

How does our process look like

Forget about complex procedures. Thanks to advancements in digital technologies, we now conduct user testing efficiently and accessibly, for example, online from the comfort of your home or office. This approach allows us to avoid the need for physical space or significant investments in expensive equipment.

Here's how it works:

  • Setting expectations: We start by clarifying what we want to learn from your users. What insights are we looking for? What questions do we need answers to?
  • Testing plan: We develop a plan with detailed information on the steps we'll take, participant recruitment methods, and a testing timeline. This ensures a structured approach and sets clear expectations.
  • Testing execution: We reach out to customers to collect their opinions and insights on your product. This feedback is crucial for understanding how people interact with what you offer.
  • Evaluation: We then dive deep into this feedback and identify key patterns and insights. You'll receive a report that provides either a concise overview of the most important findings or a detailed analysis for a more comprehensive understanding of the user experience with your product.
  • Recommendations: Along with these insights, we provide expert advice on addressing issues identified during testing. This guarantees increased customer satisfaction and faster progress toward your business goals.

This approach allows you to stay closely connected to your customers' needs and preferences and ensures that your product meets their expectations. User testing helps us focus on what truly matters: providing value to customers and achieving your business goals.

Lucia ZienkovskáUX Researcher
Martin Macík

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