27. Jul 2022Business

#grpartners: JaguarFox - web design focused on gamers

Creating a custom web design for a new business segment? No problem. For our client Maxsport, s.r.o. we created a UX design for a new sector of sports - gaming called JaguarFox.

Veronika MartiškováProject Manager

Maxsport has been on the market since 2005. It produces nutritional supplements for a wide range of sports enthusiasts, but they are also popular among regular consumers of protein bars and other functional foods and drinks.

JaguarFox is a new branch that was created to support the emerging sports industry - gaming, with the intention of creating products specifically for it.

Our role? Web design

The request was clear - to create a web design for a new segment - gamers. The requirement sounds easy at first glance, but what precedes the creation of a great design that will work for a specific group of people is a more complex process. In this article, we'll take a look at how the design process for JaguarFox went.


We started the project with a kickoff meeting, where we went over expectations, requirements, time schedule, etc. with the client. We have agreed with the client how the project will proceed and what framework we will use to manage the project.

UX research

This was followed by the UX research phase, which is an essential part of each of our projects. Its goal was to identify and analyze the specific behavior of the segment, their motivation and needs so that we could adjust the web design to meet the expectations of this group.

UX design - Wireframes

Based on UX research, we started preparing wireframes and therefore the first sketch of the website. The purpose of wireframes is to clarify, or materializing the ideas of the website into a visual form so that it is clear, comprehensible, functional and fulfills the action that we wanted to evoke with the website. Wireframes are part of User Experience (UX). We then consulted these wireframes with the client and modified them as needed. This allowed us to create space for their copywriter to start preparing the texts. Thanks to this, we achieved that none of the interested parties were blocked by anything and we worked efficiently, in parallel.

UI design - graphics

Subsequently, we created a graphic prototype - typography, color scheme, contrast, appearance of elements and the like. We often get asked what is the best SW for UI design, for us it is clearly Figma.

Prototype and design testing

In this phase, we combined the previous steps together and created a clickable website prototype, which we then gave to a group of gamers for user testing. The test group must always meet the variability criteria in GoodRequest, with internal employees and neither the client being part of the test group due to bias. During this testing, our UX researcher went through the prototype with the target group and by observing their behavior we determined whether our design meets the client's requirements. The test report was part of the final handover of the project to the client.

Final UI

After testing, we discussed the results with the client and based on mutual agreement, we completed the final design of the JaguarFox website.

Handover of the project

The handover of the project took place by handing over all the documents from the individual phases so that the results could also be used for the internal purposes of the partner and also, of course, the handover of the final design for development. We always agree with the client on the final form of delivery of the design in order to meet his needs. Consultation and clarification of details with the developer on the client's side was a matter of course.

In addition to regular statuses and reporting during the project, we stayed in touch even after its completion in case of any questions or advice.

Veronika MartiškováProject Manager