7. Sep 2023Insight

ETHWarsaw 2023 Highlights: GoodRequest's Journey in the Web3 Realm

Last week we attended ETHWarsaw 2023. This key event in the Web3 field was not just another event for us, it was a great experience. We were thrilled to be able to immerse ourselves in a lot of knowledge and networking opportunities. Let's break down our key takeaways.

The Venue & Atmosphere: A Fusion of History and Future

Nestled in the heart of Warsaw, the Gmach Główny Politechniki Warszawskiej served as the perfect backdrop for ETHWarsaw 2023. The venue, with its rich history, complemented the innovative and forward-thinking discussions, creating an atmosphere of reverence and anticipation.

Key Insights: Beyond the Basics

The event featured experts from the Ethereum Foundation and Arbitrum Foundation. The talks covered everything from unraveling the intricacies of smart contracts to delving into the ethical dimensions of blockchain, the sessions were enlightening.

Focus on User Experience in the Web3

At one of the sessions, the urgent need to improve the user experience in Web3 was highlighted. This is something we at GoodRequest are very interested in and plan to contribute to this area.


Our UX design process step-by-step

Aneta Stašiková3 Aug 2021

Networking: Building Bridges

In addition to the official events, a big part of the event was Networking - a melting pot of ideas and collaboration. Our interactions with industry leaders opened the door to potential partnerships and created the conditions for collaborations that could be mutually beneficial.

Spotlight on Our Projects

We also had the chance to talk about some of our own work:

  • UX Research for Synthetix.io: Our collaboration with Synthetix.io is geared towards redefining user-friendliness in the crypto space.
  • Spongly: Our innovative platform, Spongly, empowers users to navigate sports markets intelligently, leveraging the Overtime protocol and Chainlink.

Aleph Zero Opening Party: A Night to Remember

We also attended the Aleph Zero opening party, called Zero Proof and it wasn't just an event; it was really an experience. From live demos to engaging networking sessions, from foot-tapping live music to a unique cocktail menu, and not to forget the thrilling mini-golf game - the evening was a testament to the vibrant spirit of the ETHWarsaw community and the burgeoning crypto culture in Poland.

In Retrospect

ETHWarsaw 2023 wasn't just an event; it was a journey. A journey filled with insights, connections, and a passion for the Web3 realm. As we look ahead, we're filled with enthusiasm and a commitment to be active contributors to this dynamic ecosystem.

Martin MacíkHead of Business

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