26. Sep 2023iOS

Exploring our iOS toolbox: sharing our codebase with the world

As iOS app development becomes more prevalent around the world, developers are increasingly relying on libraries and packages to improve their productivity and add functionality to their apps. That is why we in GoodRequest decided to share our codebase with the world with these four libraries that make our life easier.

Andrej JaššoiOS Developer


Use GRTableViewProvider and GRCollectionViewProvider to simplify working with UITableView and UICollectionView

These classes provide a set of methods and bindings that make it easy to implement multiple sections and items in a structured and reactive way.

Simply create a struct that conforms to the Sectionable protocol in a factory class, declare the table/collection view, and use the provided methods to configure and populate it with data.

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iOS3 Mins reading

Exploring our iOS toolbox - Working with UITableView & UICollectionView in Swift

Marek Vrican21 Jul 2023

Good Networking

Swift's built-in networking capabilities can have disadvantages, such as lack of standardisation and flexibility.

But using the GoodNetworking Swift package can make handling network requests more efficient. First, define the base URL and endpoint for your network request. Then, specify the expected response with a struct. Next, create a GRSession instance to manage network requests, taking two generic parameters: the endpoint and the API server. Finally, make a network request with the session.request method, and use Combine's sink or assign methods to show the fetched data.

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iOS6 Mins reading

Exploring our iOS toolbox - Handling network requests in Swift

Marek Vrican24 Mar 2023

Good Reactor

To use reactive programming in Swift, the GoodReactor package can be used for managing complex, reactive code. GoodReactor uses a protocol-based architecture and integration with Combine to create a reactive component that can be easily reused throughout an application.

To create a reactive view, define a BaseViewController   class that takes a generic type T, which is expected to be a viewModel  that provides the data and business logic for the view. The viewModel class should implement the GoodReactor protocol and define a State struct representing the current state of the view, an Action enum representing user actions, and a Mutation enum representing state changes in response to user actions.

The viewModel class should also define methods such as navigate, mutate, and reduce to handle navigation, state mutations, and state reduction.

Finally, create a ViewController  class that uses the viewModel class to display and interact with the data provided.

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iOS4 Mins reading

Exploring our iOS toolbox - How we make reactive applications in Swift?

Marek Vrican12 Jun 2023

Good Persistence

Use Swift's UserDefaults to store small amounts of data, such as user preferences, settings, and application state. The GoodPersistence package simplifies working with UserDefaults and Keychain in Swift. Use the UserDefaultValue property wrapper to store any Codable value in UserDefaults

To observe changes using Combine, declare a publisher for the variable. Use the KeychainValue wrapper to store sensitive data securely in Keychain

Specify the accessibility parameter to determine when the stored data is accessible. The UserDefaultValue and KeychainValue wrappers also offer a convenient feature for observing value changes using Combine. Use the sample provided in the package to explore its functionality.

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iOS5 Mins reading

Exploring our iOS toolbox - How to save values to UserDefaults & KeyChain in Swift

Marek Vrican20 Apr 2023
Andrej JaššoiOS Developer