#grpartners: Shopsys, Experts in e-commerce platforms

19. Jan 2021
InsightThe year 2020 is well over. Some would say finally because it was, let’s say challenging. But don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about reproduction numbers or coronavirus case counts. I just want to walk you through some interesting numbers and KPIs from my CTO point of view.
These numbers are focused on tools that we are using to collaborate and cooperate even in these office-less times. GoodRequest was a digital and remote-friendly company from the ground up, but I have to admit these numbers may be strongly affected by the ongoing restrictions and social distancing.
Have you ever heard of email? Sure you have but probably not from us because we sent 50% fewer emails in 2020. We still received too many emails and that may be an inspiration for new year’s resolution: reach inbox-zero and unsubscribe from unwanted lists and change some notification preferences.
• 10 000 sent emails (-50%) 📉
• 190 000 received emails (+27%) 📈
If you’re one of our clients, we probably already "forced" you to use our Slack. We are using Slack everywhere it is possible, internally for our company management, team education, important announcements or just fun chat, externally with our clients or partners and therefore our Slack usage was rising like Tesla stock. 🚀🚀🌕
• 290 active users (+45%) 📈
• 25 500 files uploaded (+70%) 📈
• 625 000 messages sent (+74%) 📈
Google Meet is our go-to platform for video meetings. It jumped so much that we don’t even have a metric for previous years. Also, I was able to get numbers only for the last six months so this number is just my rough estimate.
• 1 000 video calls (+??%) 📈📈📈
After all those chit-chats and video calls, there needs to be some work done. Jira is the right place for that, and it was rising as well.
• 85 active projects (+9%) 📈
• 10 600 issues resolved (+22%) 📈
This one may be not so familiar, Tempo Timesheets is a handy plugin for Jira to track worklogs and to do some reporting above it. This year we also started actively using Tempo Planner for our resource planning.
• 93 400 logged hours (+28%) 📈
• 66 600 hours spent on client projects (+36%) 📈
If you want to see more, I can recommend our new showreel, which will tell you more about what happened in GoodRequest in 2020 :)